35min / 2023

Film about a dance workshop led by choreographer Rodolphe Fouillot for a class of cm2 pupils in Gennevilliers.
Film produced as part of the Li(a/g)nes project led by Rodolphe Fouillot with the support of the Fonds de Dotation Interconstruction.
24min / 2022

Film about a theater workshop led by Bastien Touminet and Clémentine Przybyla in a middle school class in Villetaneuse.
Film commissioned by La Nouvelle Compagnie.
Être au travail - de la salle de répétition au plateau
48min / 2022
Film about a theater workshop led by Sandrine Lanno with inmates at the Réau prison.
Commissioned by L'indicible Compagnie with the support of the Fonds de Dotation Interconstruction.
La Déclaration
38min / 2021

This film was based on the Passionnément Chorus project in Vitry-sur-Seine, 
a participatory declaration of love for public space, 
conceived by Maxence Rey, choreographer with Cie Betula Lenta, 
with a group of enthusiastic adult amateur dancers, 
and in loving collaboration with Théâtre Jean Vilar de Vitry-sur-Seine, Musée MacVal, Maison de la Vie Associative and La Briqueterie - CDCN du Val-de-Marne.

Commissioned by Betula Lenta.
L'heure où nous ne savions rien les uns des autres
39min / 2018

Film about a theater workshop led by Sandrine Lanno with with patients from the Coubert rehabilitation center.
Commissioned by L'indicible Compagnie.
28min / 2016

First film about a theater workshop led by Sandrine Lanno with with patients from the Coubert rehabilitation center.
Commissioned by L'indicible Compagnie.

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